MySQL install ‘n’ config one-liners

Back again, now with MySQL installs. And this means using the MySQL repository this time around.

I’ve been installing and configuring InnoDB Clusters and ClusterSets and thinking about the Ansible and Terraform users amongst us, maybe one-liners might help someone out there.

So, what about if I share how to install the MySQL repo, install the MySQL instance, create an InnoDB Cluster, add a MySQL Router, create a ClusterSet, make sure the Router is ClusterSet-aware, and then test it out. And all via one-liners.

First up, obrigado Miguel for

To simplify the command execution sequence, these sections aim to help summarize the technical commands required to create the whole platform. And on a default path & port configuration, to ease operational deployments for all those 000’s of installs and posterior admin & ops tasks.

First download the mysql repo binary for your env from

On all servers / nodes:

yum -y localinstall ./mysql80-community-release-el8-9.noarch.rpm

On the database nodes only:

yum install -y mysql-community-server-0:8.0.36-1.el8.x86_64
yum install -y mysql-shell-0:8.0.36-1.el8.x86_64

On the MySQL Router dedicated nodes only:

yum install -y mysql-router-community-0:8.0.36-1.el8.x86_64

On each of the database nodes (be VERY careful of security requirements and where you store passwords please!):

systemctl start mysqld
systemctl enable mysqld

pswd=grep -oP '(?<= A temporary password is generated for root@localhost: ).*' /var/log/mysqld.log | tail -1
mysql -uroot -p$pswd -S /var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock

alter user 'root'@'localhost' identified by 'Contr4sen!A';
flush privileges;
SET sql_log_bin = OFF;
create user 'icadmin'@'localhost' identified by 'Contr4sen!A';
grant all on . to 'icadmin'@'localhost' with grant option;
create user 'icadmin'@'%' identified by 'Contr4sen!A';
grant all on . to 'icadmin'@'%' with grant option;
flush privileges;
SET sql_log_bin = ON;

And now for MySQL Shell’s turn:

mysqlsh icadmin:'Contr4sen!A'@localhost:3306 -- dba check-instance-configuration
mysqlsh icadmin:'Contr4sen!A'@localhost:3306 -- dba configure-local-instance --restart=true --interactive=FALSE

On just one of the database nodes:

mysqlsh icadmin:'Contr4sen!A'@dbnode01:3306 -- dba create-cluster VLC
mysqlsh icadmin:'Contr4sen!A'@dbnode01:3306 -- cluster status --extended=0
mysqlsh icadmin:'Contr4sen!A'@dbnode01:3306 -- cluster status --extended=1

Continuing on the same database node:

mysqlsh icadmin@dbnode01:3306 -- cluster add-instance icadmin:'Contr4sen!A'@dbnode02:3306 --recoveryMethod=clone
mysqlsh icadmin@dbnode01:3306 -- cluster add-instance icadmin:'Contr4sen!A'@dbnode03:3306 --recoveryMethod=clone
mysqlsh icadmin@dbnode01:3306 -- cluster status
mysqlsh icadmin@dbnode01:3306 -- cluster describe

On one of the database nodes:

mysqlsh icadmin@dbnode01:3306 -- cluster setup-router-account 'routerAdmin' --password='Contr4sen!A'

On the first router node, rtnode01:

mysqlrouter --bootstrap icadmin:'Contr4sen!A'@dbnode02:3306 \
--name="router_VLC01" --account=’routerAdmin’ \
--conf-base-port=3306 --report-host=rtnode01 -u mysqlrouter

systemctl start mysqlrouter

On the 2nd router node, rtnode02:

mysqlrouter --bootstrap icadmin:'Contr4sen!A'@dbnode02:3306 \
--name="router_VLC02" --account=’routerAdmin’ \
--conf-base-port=3306 --report-host=rtnode02 -u mysqlrouter

systemctl start mysqlrouter

On one of the database nodes, connected directly or via any router:

mysqlsh icadmin@dbnode01:3306 -- cluster create-cluster-set csVLC
mysqlsh icadmin@dbnode01:3306 -- clusterset status

On router server rtnode01:

systemctl stop mysqlrouter

mysqlrouter --bootstrap icadmin:'Contr4sen!A'@dbnode02:3306 \
--name="router_VLC01" --account=’routerAdmin’ \
--conf-base-port=3306 --report-host=rtnode01 --force -u mysqlrouter

systemctl start mysqlrouter

On router server rtnode02:

systemctl stop mysqlrouter

mysqlrouter --bootstrap icadmin:'Contr4sen!A'@dbnode02:3306 \
--name="router_VLC02" --account=’routerAdmin’ \
--conf-base-port=3306 --report-host=rtnode02 --force -u mysqlrouter

systemctl start mysqlrouter


mysqlsh icadmin@rtnode01:3306 -- clusterset routing-options

All yours! Thanks for getting through it all.

About Keith Hollman

Focused on RDBMS' for over 25 years, both Oracle and MySQL on -ix's of all shapes 'n' sizes. Small and local, large and international or just cloud. Whether it's HA, DnR, virtualization, containered or just plain admin tasks, a philosophy of sharing out-and-about puts a smile on my face. Because none of us ever stop learning. Teams work better together.
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